A teenage girl passed away because of Leukemia! Look what her friends did as a final goodbye to her!

Laura Hillier died at the age of 18, while waiting for a bone marrow transplant. Despite having a lot of willing donors available Laura d...

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Laura Hillier died at the age of 18, while waiting for a bone marrow transplant. Despite having a lot of willing donors available Laura died because of the lack of hospital beds in high-air-pressured rooms for the procedure and the hospital can only do five transplants per month.

At the age of 13, Laura was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia(AML). She has been cancer-free for approximately four years after her first battle with AML. Laura has relapsed last May 2015, and last November 2015.

Laura wasn't the only one to suffer circumstances like these, as plenty of others has also been in the same situation as Laura. And if this still goes on, we'll hear more about stories like these in the near future.

On Laura's funeral, her friends, family members, and relatives have signed her casket full of loving messages, hope, positivity, and praises for Laura, as they bid her their last goodbye.
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