Not having enough Sleep is bad for your health! Check here why!
Sleeping is essential for everyone. For an adult to fully function, they need 7 to 8 hours while for kids to teens they need 10 hours ...
For an adult to fully function, they need 7 to 8 hours while for kids to teens they need 10 hours of sleep. Losing sleep can cause hormonal imbalance, illness, and for extreme cases, death.
Here is an example, on the year 1965, a 17-year-old High School student, Randy Garner checked how he could cope up without sleep for 11 days. On just the second day, his eyes started to un-focus, so is his sense of touch as he lost his sense to identify objects. On the 3rd day, Randy became moody and uncoordinated, as on the end he was struggling to concentrate, he became paranoid, has a trouble with short term memory loss, and was hallucinating which is bad for a normal teenager.
To know more facts about what would happen if you don't sleep, check the video below!