A woman greets a Homeless Man everyday with 'Hello'! Until one day, the man gave her a note! Check this out!

Raimundo Arruda Sobrinho became homeless in the late 70's, at the end of a dictatorship in Brazil. Raimundo has remained sitting cover...

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Raimundo Arruda Sobrinho became homeless in the late 70's, at the end of a dictatorship in Brazil. Raimundo has remained sitting covered in plastic bags on a wooden stall for 35 years. He has been writing poems in his spot on the roadside.

A kind woman always greets him with a Hello, and eventually led that hello to being reunited with his family. On the year 2011, Raimundo gave the woman named Shalla Monteiro a poem as a thank you for always greeting him. After that day, Shalla decided to create a Facebook page that garnered almost 180,000 likes as of this writing and because of that page, Raimundo got reunited with his family.

Watch Raimundo's inspirational story below that only started from the greeting "Hello!"

S/C: National Geographic


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